Our Central Team
We would like to introduce our diverse team who are all dedicated and passionate about supporting the practices with in Somerset.

Dr Steve Edgar
GP Partner and Chairman
I'm a fulltime GP partner at Millbrook Surgery in Castle Cary. We are an innovative small independent practice in a market town in Somerset. I qualified from The University of Sheffield Medical school in 2000. I spent 12 years in the Royal Army Medical Corps, initially as a Regimental Medical Officer then as a trainee in Anaesthetics and Intensive care before changing professional direction to become a GP. I left the Army and moved to Somerset in 2009. I’ve worked part time clinical and part time in commissioning and service improvement in Somerset for the past few years. I am convinced that everyone working in the NHS is doing their best to improve it but I think, together, we can do better!

Georgina Ball
Operations Director
The work I do has a direct impact on all the key results areas of the business. I have a passion for efficiency and value quality; driving excellence is my thing. This sees me continuously challenge the healthcare system to be better through my intellectual curiosity in finding solutions to the most pressing questions. I inject an entrepreneurial flair to everything that I do; driving me to find innovative ways to push healthcare delivery in new and exciting directions. I have led many successful complex transformation projects, earning me the credibility of getting the tough stuff done.

Sandra Galpin
Finance Manager
Having worked in commercial finance for most of my career, I "fell in" to General Practice in the NHS just as Covid began and have first-hand experience of running a GP Practice during the pandemic. I decided to return to a finance specific role and 100Fold was the perfect company to join to combine my accounting experience with supporting Primary Care in Somerset.
I am sure 100Fold can make a valuable contribution to Practice resilience, and support the Somerset PCNs to deliver their services and programs, including Covid Boosters.
Outside of work I enjoy walking, gardening and travel.

Millie Day
Operations Manager
I have worked within HR for 8 years, including recruitment consultant, administration and co-ordinator roles. Having achieved a high 1st-class BA (Hons) in Business with Human Resource Management in Manchester, I have been with 100Fold since it began in the latter half of 2021.
Joining 100Fold in the early stages was really exciting and I have enjoyed working to help the company evolve and develop; from planning routes for housebound covid vaccinations to setting up, recruiting for, and deploying the GP Flexible pool. I thoroughly enjoy the successful planning and delivery of services/resources and envision that we continue to be at the forefront of new contracts and initiatives to improve and support Primary Care in Somerset.